Nostalgia, Glamour & Luxury: Author Sharon Neiss-Arbess On New Novel “The Most Amazing Department Store”


Kat Harlton

The Most Amazing Department Store” (December 5, 2023 ) the new novel by Sharon Neiss-Arbess is inspired by Simpson’s Department Store, in Montreal. A charming and contemplative novel, where readers can’t help but root for these women, also serves as a prime reminder that dark forces can lurk.

Stepping onto the floor of Sunderland’s means stepping into a whole new glamorous world for two women whose lives and loves are forever changed by their time working at the famous Department Store in downtown Montreal in the 1940s and 1950s.

Sunderland’s is the place to be — The Mecca of Luxury — when shopping for a blouse, a pair of shoes, lipstick, or fragrance was met with displays of lavishness and luxuriousness, shoppers met with impeccable sales manners, and where women could spend entire days, enjoying a slice of independence acceptable during these eras.

After Lilly leaves her husband, she can’t believe her luck getting a job at Sunderland’s, where she finds more than the self-sufficiency she yearns for. She meets another Jewish woman, Vivian, a sharp-tongued, vivacious, whirlwind.  They become best friends and face antisemitism, sexism, and rejection — all imposed on them, when Jews were not “normally” hired — while also testing the limits of their own very different ambitions.

When Vivian almost loses everything she’s worked so hard for, and Lilly decides on a fresh start, the pair will never be the same. Their friendship might not survive, no matter how significant it played in their lives.

The Most Amazing Department Store

I had the opportunity to chat with Sharon about her new novel, the glory days of department stores, writing challenges, and more.

Kat: What was it about the glory days of department stores that made you want to set your novel there?

Sharon: As I wrote in the first few pages of my novel The Most Amazing Department Store, I explain in detail why there is nothing like a department store. You are going to have to read it for yourself, but I will share a few lines here:

“As you reach the marble tiles that frame the entrance way and grasp the elaborate handle, you pull the framed glass doors toward you while a delicious, yet prominent scent makes its way to your senses. It’s your mother’s perfume, the maid’s arrival, and a present wrapped in the fanciest wrapping paper and topped with a shiny silver bow that all welcomed you with open arms to the place you had been looking forward to all day.”

How fantastic does this sound?

I also worked as a cosmetician when I was a teenager, so as they say, write what you know; and therefore, the setting was very familiar to me which made it easy for me to transport myself into that world to create the story.

Finally, the setting of a department store allowed me to juxtapose the harsh reality that dark forces can lurk amongst the most glamorous of places.

Kat: With department stores struggling to remain relevant, how did you capture the spirit of the glory days of the department stores and why were they so important?

Sharon: Currently, Amazon and online shopping has taken the stage for all things retail, and because of this, I am aware that the department store experience has taken a dive. I relish in “the glory days” and am saddened that the latter has changed.

Since the book has been published, countless people have approached me to share their nostalgic stories of department store life. Recently, at a book reading, a woman came up to me with the generous smile and said, “I used to go to the lunch counter with my aunt – it was such a special treat.”

People appreciate nostalgia in their novels as it reminds them of treasured moments with loved ones.

When I see how that era is represented in movies, vintage magazines and other research that I dove into, my ears and eyes perk up like a child waiting to enter a candy store.

Today, I still adore department stores, but I also spend my time shopping at small businesses, as they curate the most beautiful things and the attention that is given to their customers is on a whole different level. These small shop owners really put their heart and soul into their business, and it shows.

The combination of what I experience today, my time spent as a cosmetician, along with my research is what you can experience in The Most Amazing Department Store. A deep dive into all what a department store can offer, with some meaningful life lessons.

Kat: Many people don’t realize how prevalent antisemitism was in Canada just a few decades ago. Why was it important for you to feature Jewish protagonists?

Sharon: Quebec in the 1940s and 50s was strongly anti-Jewish. Expressions of antisemitism could be found through Parliament, in the press, in the classroom and in churches.

Years earlier, in 1905, there was a famous speech from The House of Commons by Henri Bourassa that urged Canada to keep its gates shut to Jewish Immigrants.

Today, in Canada, The Jewish population is less than 1%, and this religious group is most targeted towards hate crimes and I am heartbroken by this statistic.

Today, around the world, Antisemitism is at an all-time high, as it was just before WW2. What better time to publish a story about two women who face antisemitism together. An excellent example of strength and courage to all those who are facing hate just because they are Jewish.

Kat: Was there anything challenging about writing the story, and if so, what did you learn in the process?

Sharon: Every author goes through challenges when writing, and I am not any different! I think there are three apparent ones and I’ll start with the most famous:

1. Writer’s block. Yup – it happens. How do I deal with it? Like the common cold. In a few days, it will cease and all will be fine.

2. Facing subjects, I am not familiar with. Research, research, research. Talk to people. Ask questions (That’s the fun part).

3. Commitment. This challenge hits me when most of the work is completed, but I must return to the manuscript repeatedly to take care of the small details. That requires loads of patience and coffee! What I learned during these three challenging times is that I can do hard things as it is so worth the result!

Kat: What do you hope readers take from the story?

Sharon: I hope that people will enjoy a light, entertaining read but also learn some valuable lessons.

I also hope that Jewish people can connect over a shared history and find strength in each other, especially today with the rise of antisemitism. Just as the two lead characters in the book relied on each other for strength and support, so must Jews today.

I also hope that people outside the Jewish community will read the book. I hope our allies can deepen their understanding of the Jewish experience. Those who have had little interaction with the Jewish community will gain the insight to step back when certain situations arise and be able to say, “Something doesn’t feel right.” And question what they are seeing or hearing before choosing to ignore it or worse, follow it.

Kat: Historical fiction is more popular than ever, what do you think is the appeal of novels about historical female friendships?

Sharon: In my world, reading about female friendship is as amazing as walking into a department store and finding a rack of everything in my size – and on sale!

My female friends provide so much value in my life, in part because there is a shared understanding of the complicated intersection of being female with the rest of our lives, such as work, home responsibilities, etc… My friends really lift me up and I hope that I do the same for them.

It’s not enough to be supportive. We must seek ways to promote and lift each other actively.

This is part of the friendship we see in the book. For instance, there is an excerpt where Lilly is helping a customer to find a pair of shoes, and she ends up being severely teased. Vivian knew that something wasn’t right and dashed to be right by her side, coaching Lilly how to deal with the inappropriate behaviour that she was experiencing.

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