6 Exciting Projects To Kickstart Your New Home Journey


Photos via unsplash.com

Moving into a new house means your search is over and it’s time to start a fresh journey — making it your home. The downside to living in an existing residence is it often still has traces of the previous owner. 

Changing how it looks and works to suit your needs is a significant task, but kick things off with these six fun projects.

1. Whole-House Cleaning

The house may be ready for occupancy, but you should still wipe down every inch of it when you move in. This chore may sound tedious, but a spotless space is the key to happiness whether or not you hate dirt.

Decide whether to do general or deep cleaning. General cleaning involves dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, washing and mopping. On the other hand, deep cleaning includes disinfection.

Either activity is doable but taxing, so consider hiring professionals who live and breathe cleaning houses. Spending cash again after buying a house may be an undesirable proposition. However, outsourcing such a burdensome activity to ready your home for habitation in a day or two can help reduce your stress.

Conversely, personally cleaning your entire house allows you to take a closer look at it. Scrubbing its darkest corners lets you discover its deepest secrets and see it in a different light.

2. All-Home Maintenance

Verifying your house’s structural integrity will give you peace of mind. If you hired a home inspector before you bought it, you already know what repairs are in order. If you didn’t, you must get the house professionally inspected.

Book with various contractors on different hours of the same day to save time. Their findings will show defects in electrical and plumbing systems, and reveal the remaining years of vital components — such as the roof, siding, and heating and cooling units.

Glean insights from their reports to determine which home improvement to prioritize and which room to renovate first. Say you need new pipes. Consider remodeling your kitchen or bathroom to deal with construction mess only once.

3. Interior & Exterior Painting

Shedding old paint and applying coats of new ones symbolize renewal. Plus, psychology says colors affect mood big time. Repainting your house’s interior and exterior is a quick way to transform your space visually.

Be methodical, starting with common areas and then proceeding to specific rooms. If you have kids, let them pick the palette for their bedrooms.

Choosing a few colors from countless options can be challenging, but don’t sweat it. Paint jobs are forgiving projects. You can always repaint the walls later when you get tired of what they look like.

Regarding exterior paint, observe the appearance of the neighboring houses. You want your home to stand out while staying within any prevailing theme on the block.

4. Garage Inventory

Sorting out your garage’s contents can be tiring but relaxing. Decluttering is excellent for your mental health. You should also take inventory, which serves many purposes. So, where should you start when you’re creating a garage inventory? 

  1. Organize by space and type
  2. Include detailed info of items 
  3. Take photos of everything
  4. Keep records
  5. Start off small 

If you’re a snowbird, a detailed garage inventory will help you track your valuables across multiple residences. Realizing you have surplus items can be a wake-up call to embrace minimalism, signaling you to host yard sales or donate to charity.

5. Furniture Updates

Do you find the furniture that came with the house tacky? Do your old tables, chairs, couches, desks, stools or nightstands not fit into your new space? Go furniture shopping!

Buying new pieces is a chance to achieve your desired room function — like a work desk if you work remotely — and reimagine your layout. Start from scratch as if you’re designing every area from the ground up.

6. Window Replacement

Installing new windows is underrated because it can dramatically jazz up your space. It lets you frame panoramic views, create an illusion of space and bring in more daylight. This endeavor can also boost natural ventilation, reduce outdoor noise and increase your home’s energy efficiency.

Moreover, the project offers an opportunity to correct any aesthetic flaws. Find out what your home’s windows traditionally look like and buy architecturally accurate replacements. For example, double-hung windows with crisscross, protruding-edge grids are synonymous with Georgian homes. Casements embellished with a ladder grill pattern are emblematic of Craftsman houses.

Enjoy Turning Your New House Into Your Home

Making any space uniquely your own involves considerable work, time and money. Start with these projects and you’ll be well on your way. Which one will you tackle first?

About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded, where he writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors and more. Check out @TModded for regular updates! 

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